Akif Isitan

Akif Işıtan

I'm a Software Engineer at Softtech, specializing in Payment Systems.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Sabancı University.

Although my daily work focuses on the backend stack with C# and .NET, I also enjoy building frontends with Svelte, like the website you are looking at right now!

I try to regularly keep up with new tech by following podcasts such as Syntax and Top Shelf, and blogs such as Register Spill.

Here are some of my projects I'm proud of:

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Music platform focused on sharing and viewing music information, designed to offer tailored experiences to music enjoyers.

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Ovatify On The Cloud

Ovatify, the social music platform, redesigned and adapted to run as a Cloud Native application.

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Socket programming project which allows multiple players to engage in the classic TicTacToe game over network.

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Fullstack web project which allows users to create, edit and view property listings.

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Real Estate App API

Backend API project built for RealEstateApp & SvelteRE with CRUD operations, user authentication and image uploads.

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A bot that allows server members to play Uno inside Discord.

You can view all my projects on the projects page.

You can find me on: